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Home » Data Digest #2 | Real Estate Focus

Data Digest #2 | Real Estate Focus

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Topic of this edition: This time we are focused on the application of data science into real estate. With large volumes of digitised data on lettings and sales nowadays, this field naturally lends itself to sophisticated analysis. If you would like to understand the trend, check out the first article.

How Data Science is transforming real estate by BNP Paribas

There are plenty of ways to use this data, some of which include building automatic valuation models for the buyer or seller and using time series forecasting to figure out when is the best time to make the move. Check 5 Ways to Apply Data Science to Real Estate by Nelson Lau to understand more!

5 Ways to Apply Data Science to Real Estate

Photo by Jannes Glas on Unsplash

One of the most studied datasets in Machine Learning is the Boston Housing Dataset, something you might have come across too in our workshops this year. This is quite an advanced notebook/ blog post on another dataset— on how climate change impacts real estate prices in Florida. As expected, the possibility of a property being flooded has a huge impact……

Applying Machine Learning to Assess Florida’s Climate-Driven Real Estate Risk (part1)

Image created by the Author of the article

Enjoy and tell us what you think!